As leaders in the consciousness and personal development space, we consistently share valuable information to help people come into alignment with their purpose, shatter the limitations keeping them from the life they deserve, and facilitate their unique healing process. 

Book Us To Speak


The Sovereign Soul Podcast

Growth and Healing Through Adversity with Nicole Perretti

Twin Flame Divine Radio Live Show

Talking About Current Energy with Dov and Nicole

Illuminated The Podcast

Rising Up Through Challenge with Dov and Nicole

KMoon Interview

How to End Twin Flame Isolation with Dov and Nicole 

Shadow Work Week with KMoon

Deep Conversations for Love&Healing: Long-Term Union Shadow Work  with Dov and Nicole

KMoon Channel

Twin Flame Q&A with Dov and Nicole

Money Sex and God Podcast

Divine Union as a Catalyst to Growth with Dov and Nicole

Twin Flame Divine Radio Show

Calling All Twin Flames with Dov and Nicole

KMoon Channel

Twins in Union with Dov and Nicole

Twin Flame Divine Radio Show

It's A Twin Flame Revolution with Dov and Nicole

The (R)Evolution Podcast

What the F#ck are Twin Flames with Nicole Perretti


Dov Magit and Nicole Perretti are consciousness mentors using their more than a decade of experience in spirituality, energy, leadership, and relationships to help people come into alignment with their purpose, shatter their self-sabotaging stories, and facilitate their unique healing process by amending their core afflictions to live without limitation. Dov and Nicole lift their people up from fear, doubt, and panic into a space of empowerment, acceptance, and abundance.

When Dov and Nicole aren't helping their clients connect with the powerful energy of the Universe, they're playing with their fur babies, speaking on stages across the US, and creating powerful art.


If you’re interested in interviewing us, featuring us, or hiring us to speak at your event, please fill out the form or send an email here.


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